牧 正興
福岡女学院大学大学院紀要 : 臨床心理学 (ISSN:13499858)
vol.4, pp.59-64, 2007-03

そのほかの軽度発達障害との判別が困難な、小学生の反応性愛着障害(抑制型inhibition type)の1事例をもとに、その診断基準や成育要因、行動特性について検討した。教育現場では反応性愛着障害についての認識は皆無に等しく、そのほとんどがより一般化し、認知度の高いADHDやアスペルガー症候群等の範疇で対応している場合が多い。本ケースにおいてもその範囲での対応からか、学年を重ねるごとに緩快に向かうどころか、より深刻さを増していた。反応性愛着障害、特に抑制型の子どもに対するその場限りの対応はかえってネガティブな行動を刺激しやすく、その問題行動を増強させることも少なくない。その理由もよく分かる。DSM-IVの診断基準Cにも挙げている通り、その根底には基本的な情緒的欲求の持続的無視や、基本的な身体的欲求の無視、安定した愛着形成の阻害があるからである。ほとんどの対人的相互反応を、発達的にみても適切なやり方で開始したり、反応したりできないことが持続している状態でもある。それだけに、特別支援教育等におけるその支援のあり方は、本障害への相当の理解と適切な関係性への十分な検討が重要であることが確認された。
牧 正興
福岡女学院大学大学院紀要 : 臨床心理学 (ISSN:13499858)
pp.51-55, 2004-03-31

On this report, we shall discuss two clients' experiences of being deeply deprived in due to the unexpected deaths of their own children ; one is the loss by the car accident and the other is by the child's suicide. This report also includes each progress of the grief counseling for those two clients. In general, "the loss of own child" causes various pathological and psychological disorders ; such affections sometimes break up well ordered relationships between the client and the rest of family members. As a result, the biggest challenge for the counselors is to find a way of supporting their clients who have intense feeling of being excluded, and clients often refer such feeling as "the particular kind of feeling which is only known to people with the actual experiences". For those two clients, we have carried out our counsels for about two years, and the counsels have being completed by the time we have acknowledged clients' psychological stabilities. Although we have not yet obtained enough evidences to conclude "Being Independent and the Level of the Reintegration" (Fig 1. Hirayama, 1998), we have had opportunities to provide not only our counseling supports but introducing those two clients to each other. In due to such promising opportunities, we may now conclude that those meetings of two deeply anguished clients have being a definite factor of closing our counsels with a right direction. On those counsels, our report includes discussions based upon three points of view : the process of being grieved with their actual contents, the suffer of clients as a result of children's deaths, and the grief counseling.